Physiotherapist in Brazil and Canada
Coordinator of Physical Rehabilitation at the Montreal Neurotherapy Centre (neuromtl.com)
Faculty in Clinical Education and Internship Supervisor at McGill University
Since 2003, when he graduated in Physiotherapy in São Paulo, Marcos has always valued quality and innovation in Rehabilitation.
From May 2015 to May 2018, Marcos served as President of the company AT&M Providence Inc., where he was a Physiotherapist at the Tangere clinic as well as a Consultant at the company BTI for diploma equivalence and PT education in Canada.
However, as of June 2018, the Tangere clinic was incorporated by the Montreal Neurotherapy Center clinic (www.neuromtl.com), and Marcos was invited to coordinate the Physical Rehabilitation team, which brings together several health professionals, such as Physiotherapists , Occupational Therapists, Kinesiologists, Osteopaths, and more.