Achieve our badges!

Earn points and get awards on

You can earn the following badges

Gold badge

Earn the gold badge and you get a ticket to the Lorimer Moseley course in Amsterdam on June 27-28 2020. (Worth 550 euro)

1 Required Steps

  • Reach a points balance of 7.500 points

Silver badge

Earn the silver badge and get 30% discount on a yearly subscription at

1 Required Steps

  • Reach a points balance of 2.000 points

Bronze badge

Earn the bronze badge and get a Trust me, I’m a Physiotherapist T-shirt. Worth 30 euros

1 Required Steps

  • Reach a points balance of 1.000 points

Below are our points awards. Collect the points and get your badges!


12 Points Awards

  • 50 points for creating an account
  • 50 points for adding your first job
  • 50 points for giving a review
  • 25 points for sharing a job on facebook
  • 25 points for sharing a job on linkedin
  • 25 points for sharing a job on twitter
  • 25 points for getting a four stars review
  • 50 points for getting a five stars review
  • 25 points for buying a job from 25 to 100 euros
  • 50 points for buying a job from 100 euros
  • 25 points for selling a job from 25 to 100 euros
  • 50 points for selling a job from 100 euros

if you have reached the amount of points that gives you a price, please contact us and claim your price.